
Friday, May 25, 2012

Mirka's First Public Appearances

Thank you Jenny Jacobs for capturing this image of our Mirka!
Someday I'll have fingers as long as Auntie Carina's!

Mirka's first Wright Park adventure!
Alex's turn to take Mirka in the wrap. First breakfast out!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mirka and her parents took a lot of naps this weekend!

Hey! I'm awake! I should be sleeping!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mirka's First Day

Look what the stork brought us!
Our baby girl, Mirka Lily Walker
 The 3walkers!
 I'm here!
 Got her!
 Super Auntie Carina was a huge help! Also, Tina is being, uh, er, stitched back together at the moment.
 Tacoma sunshine from the huge windows at St. Joe's.
 Proud Mormor Coni! (Mormor=mother's mother, grandma in Swedish)
 Morfar Peter! (Morfar = mother's father)
Gramma Betsy!
Some really nice contact for Mom and Baby.
 Hello, world!
 First trip in the carseat, made fun with a monkey blanket (thanks Susan!).
 I'm a day old but I have the hands of a 90-year-old woman!
 Cute little toes.